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Group of Security Companies “Red Storm” carries out the added recruitment of the security guards in view of the increase of the number of the secured sites. The uniform, the habitation, the assistance in the procurement of the private security guard certificate, the competence assessment provided.

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Group of Security Companies «Krasny Storm» reimburses the payment for the instruction, the re-attestation, the uniform to the security guards.

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Group of Security Companies «Krasny Storm» is willing to assist everyone wishing to take part
in the Special Military Operation. Assistance in the drawing up the documents, the
establishment of the communication with the appropriate authorities.
Phone office: +7(495)656-31-40; 24-hour hotline: +7(495)221-74-74

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Group of Security Companies «Krasny Storm» is responsible fulfilling the Federal Supervisory Service for Consumer Rights and Human Welfare Directive of 02.03.2020 ¹ 5 «On risk management enhancement
with regard to importation and spread of new coronavirus infection (2019-nCOV)» for safety of our customer sites...

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Group of Security Companies «Krasny Storm» addressed the customers with the innovative proposal for their customers.

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Group of Security Companies «Krasny Storm» states the increase of the number of the secure hypermarkets in the second quarter of 2018.

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First quarter of 2018 noted territorial extension of Group of Security Companies «Krasny Storm»’ s activities, increase of number hypermarkets taken under protection in Moscow and regions.

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Security guards of Group of Security Companies «Krasny Storm» c ompleted additional advanced training on security assurance of big closed sites with large people concentration in connection with increase of hypermarkets taken under protection in 2018.

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LLC “Cybernetic World” and LLC “Fire Protection” successfully completed project of high magnitude on upgrading of technical security systems, security fire-alarm systems and fire alarm systems on several secure sites.

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Group of Security Companies «Krasny Storm» completed the new software installation on the guard posts of the guarded sites for the added coordination of the accountancy of the customer guarded materials and resources and the site security.

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LLC Private Security Company «Krasny Storm», a member of Group of Security Company «Krasny Storm», took up the safeguard on chain stores in Moscow.

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Today we note with certainty further stepping up of such our work stream as security assurance of big production and logistics parks on the territory of Russia. Development of this trend is not accidental, most property comes from almost semiannual setting and re-arrangement of Group «Krasny Storm» resources.

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The customer base growth of Group of Security Companies «Krasny Storm» by taking under protection of Moscow residential estate and business parks has being noted as of September 2016.

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On August 25 2016 the representative of Group of Security Companies «Krasny Storm» took part in the general meeting of the members of the Non-Commercial Partnership «Coordination Council of Non-State Security Enterprises of Capital» (NP «CC NSSEC»)and the security companies exercising the security companies on Moscow building sites.

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Gratitude of Charitable Foundation «Health and Life» to LLC Private Security Company «Bely Vikhr»

President of Charitable Foundation «Health and Life» supporting programs and projects on assistance to socially vulnerable groups thanked LLC Private Security Company «Bely Vikhr» for safe and quality operation in Refugee Centre on behalf of Foundation.

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Timeless of Group of Security Companies “Krasny Storm” Security Monitoring Service.

LLC Private Security Company “Krasny Storm”, a member of Group of Security Companies “Krasny Storm” proceeded with provision of Security Monitoring Service for a big real-estate agency acting in Moscow and Moscow Region within 20 years.

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Commercial development roadmap of Group of Security Companies “Krasny Storm” for the second half of 2016 has been adjusted.

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24.03.2016, Moscow
Representatives of Group of Security Companies “Krasny Storm” took part in general meeting of Association of Non-state Security Structures (ANSS) “Stroybezoasnost” in course of which Association activity report ...

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19.03.2016, Novosibirsk
Delegation of Group of Security Companies “Krasny Storm” headed by Group’ President congratulated Group of security enterprises “ABB” on the 20th Anniversary of formation.

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Specialists of Group of Security Companies “Krasny Storm” went on business trips in regions by invitation of C-level executives of big regional enterprises for purposes of their security level evaluation.

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New year started with growth of customer database by sites of banking sector.

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Operating results of Group of Security Companies «Krasny Storm» in regions have been summarized.
Activity stability with long-term customers and positive trends in development of partnering has been noted.

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Sites of several big customers of Group of Security Companies «Krasny Storm» have been reequipped by new safety systems. This re-equipment has been executed on basis of proposal of LLC «Cybernetic Word», company member of Group of Security Companies «Krasny Storm».

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Work results of group of Security Companies «Krasny Storm» have been analyzed and draft plan of region development has been drawn up.

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Specialists of Group of Security Companies «Krasny Storm» took part in «Safe Capital» Forum of non-profit security companies held within XIX International Exhibition «Interpolitech-2015» on October 20, 2015 in Moscow.

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Personal security assurance of one of customer’s top-managers has been performed at a top professional level by Rapid Response Group’s employees directed by its proficient chief.

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Group of Security Companies «Krasny Storm» experienced in security assurance of automotive manufactures expanded its activities in Saint-Petersburg and took one more automotive manufacture under its protection.

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LLC «Imperial Investigation» affiliated to SECORGROUP operating in the field of corporate security, put wise to top management of Group of Security Companies «Krasny Storm» of favorable reports of its customers which availed of results of information-analytic investigations of LLC «Imperial Investigation» experts and could assure...

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We are 18 years old!
On May 27, 2015 – 18-year Group of Security Companies «Krasny Storm» anniversary.
Group’s management team congratulates all employees on this landmark, thanks for conscientious work and wishes good luck.

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Modernisation of Integrated Safety and Corporate Security Concept begun almost a year ago, has been finished. Brought up to date concept passed tests successfully on several sites after agreements with customers and showed its effectiveness.

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On May 28, 2014 Group of Security Companies «Krasny Storm» marked 17 years’ work in field of integrated security assurance. Group’s chief executives congratulate all staff members on this anniversary.

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On April, 2014 in Moscow in «President-Hotel» of RF Presidential Executive Office laureate ceremony of ALL-RUSSIAN AWARD «BEST COMPANY IN PRODUCTS AND SERVICES QUALITY» took place. Among laureates – LLC Private Security Company «KRASNY STORM»...

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Number of our customers-users of a new GPS/GLONASS service has been increased since January 2014. They duly appreciated the possibility of the operational monitoring allowing to track on-line the movement of a vehicle, a person, an animal with a maximum precision and to check out information of 356 days prior.

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Professionalism, responsiveness to situation and high moral stature of security guards of LLC Private Security Company «Krasny storm Region» Zagorodnikov A.N. and Kuzin E.A. in putting out racketeer group of commission which had threatened veteran of the Great Patriotic War, retired colonel, pensioner, became one of NTV channel subjects.

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Organizing Committee of «Best Ñompany in Services and Production Quality» Russian Award nominated LLC Private Security Company “Red Storm” for «Best Ñompany in Services and Production Quality» Award.

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On October, 25th, 2013 in Novosibirsk Group of Security Company «Krasny Storm» proceeded to security assurance of new site of LLC «Toyota Motor» following upon its regional activity in Russia.

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On October, 10th, 2013 in Moscow integrated training on fire safety has been conducted on site LLC «Unilever Rus» secured by LLC Private Security Company «Blue Vulture» involving employees of security company, employees of secured site and RF Emergency Ministry representatives. LLC Private Security Company «Blue Vulture» employee activities have been highly appreciated by Managing Director of LLC «Unilever Rus».

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On September 3rd, 2013 Group of Security Companies “Krasny Storm” received official letter of admission to membership of Non-Commercial Partnership “Coordination Board of Non-State Securities Enterprises of Capital” since September 1st,2013.

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Rendered security and detective services quality and their compliance with modern requirements reproduced in a range of standards is always in care area of experts of “Krasny Storm Holding”. Therefore we gave special consideration to public consultations as to development of security activity professional standards...

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SECORGROUP reduced response time to information, analytic, detective services and corporate security assurance requests with a view to improve quality work with customers.

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On June 12, 2013 LLC Private Security Company “Red Strom” together with enterprises-partners on Krasny Storm Holding assured security of the carrying out of the gala concert “Young Russia” within the Day of Russia in Moscow on Red Square.

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May, 28th, 2013 - «Krasny Storm Holding» Anniversary
We thank our Partners and Customers for profitable longstanding cooperation and congratulations.

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May, 12th, 2013
10 years of cooperation of LLC «Toyota Motor» and Krasny Storm Holding.

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Stable increase in volume of detective and analytic activities of LLC «IMPERIAL INVESTIGATION» and LLC «SECOR».

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Implementation of scheduled step of regional development plan of «Krasny Storm Holding» for 2013 in Siberian Federal District and Krasnodar Territory.

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Carrying out of integrated training of security guards of LLC Private Security Company «Krasny Storm» on secure site CJSC «L’OREAL» with a view to improve site security level.

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SECORGROUP and Detective Company “Imperial Investigation” made subsequent advance in improvement of their business-processes and quality of work, reduced response time of normal customer requests.

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Carrying out of integrated training of «Krasny Storm» Holding security personnel and involved employees of enterprises-customers on secured sites with a view to educate the employees for emergency drills and to increase site security level.

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15-16.02.2013, Russia, Leningrad Region,
«Baja Russia Northen Forest 2013».
FIA Cross-Country Rally World CUP Candidate Event
First Round of the Russian Rally-Raid Championship

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Simultaneous expansion of demand for security monitoring, alarm systems and Prompt Response Group’s services among customers – legal entities as a result of systematic total quality management of security services and Technical Society «Cybernetic World» activities according to TQM method.

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24-hour guard posts quantity growth on secured sites of permanent customers within running long-term contracts.

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Beneficent aid to school in Kaluga Region and to monastery in Rostov Region provided upon President of KS Holding initiative.

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Consultations on safeguard and corporate assurance in regions.

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Consideration of requests of regional ventures for security and detective services in 2013.

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Increase of LLÑ «Red Storm Consulting»'s staff due to increase of application of foreign companies for advices on expats security assurance.

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Increase of number of LLC «SECOR»’s specialists at benchmark; information, economic and corporate security due to increased demand for these services.

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Up-to-date of management structure of Group’s activities.

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Confirmation of price policy convenient for clients and relevant to Red Storm Group in the meantime without decreasing demand for Holding’s services. February 2012 Confirmation of price policy convenient for clients and relevant to Red Storm Group in the meantime without decreasing demand for Holding’s services.

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Evaluation of Red Storm Group’s activities within 2010-2011 with a view to set priorities taking into account modern requirements and processes in security and private investigation field.

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Beneficent aid to school in Kaluga Region and to monastery in Rostov Region provided upon President of KS Holding initiative.

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Elaboration of conception of site safety audit.

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Start of new standardized reporting documentation
in Russian – for national clients and in English – for foreign clients.

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Implementation of new statistical recording resulting from carrying out of execution of contract obligations.

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Elaboration of complex security assurance conception on basis of new marketing solutions along with Standard ISO 9004 and TQM (Total Quality Management).

Assistance in organization of Russian Open Karate-Do Sin-Syobu Championship in city of Penza.

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Extension of KS Holding’s geographic reach in regions of Russia: in St.-Petersburg, Ekaterinburg etc.

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Beneficent aid to school in Kaluga Region and to monastery in Rostov Region provided upon President of KS Holding initiative.

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Security assurance and assistance in staging of Child Karate Tournament «Olympic Expectations. Toyota Cup 2010».

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Enlargement of services nomenclature for sites to be big warehouse complexes and manufacturing ventures.

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Suggestion of new services assuring economic, information and corporate security.

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Increase of clients-users of detective services.

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Increase of applications for advisory support on legal protection against menaces.

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Elaboration of “prompt response” service for top-managers of client companies.

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Implementation of new plan developping board alarm system.

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Elaboration of new algorithm of clients security assurance with account of their particularity (kind and complexity of site, industry, production processes, number of employees on site etc.).

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